In one of my regular Craigslist crawls, I actually found a unit for a very respectable price, but I thought "I have too much furniture as it is... where would I even put this?... what would I put inside of it?..." and all the usual methods of talking yourself out of something you really REALLY want. Then, almost by destiny, I stumbled onto this article on Apartment Therapy. Clearly, the universe was trying to tell me something.
A few days later I drove to a remote Public Storage unit in Gardena, and came home with this little beauty...
I also added some simple legs from Lowes, and stained them to match the color of the cabinet.
This is totally my new favorite piece (aren't' they all, though?). And yes, I did use it to organize my life, and take back my kitchen junk drawer (which had actually expanded to two junk drawers!).
Now I have a place for every thing, and a thing for every place. Just the way I like it!